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2022-06-08 10:14   审核人:


1. Dongjie Zhang, Mingye Zhang, Shouzheng Tong*, Qing Qi, Xuehong Wang*, Xianguo Lv.2020.Growth and physiological responses of Carex schmidtii to water-level fluctuation. Hydrobiologia. 847: 967–981.

2. Guan Bo, Hongxia Zhang, Xuehong Wang*, Shanshan Yang, Min Chen, Aixin Hou, Grace A. Cagle, Guangxuan Han.2020.Salt is a main factor shaping community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi along a vegetation successional series in the Yellow River Delta.CATENA.185:1-8.

3. Di Zhou, Junbao Yu, Bo Guan, Yunzhao Li, Miao Yu, Fanzhu Qu, Chao Zhan, Zhenbo Lv, Huifeng Wu, Qing Wang, Jisong Yang. 2020. A comparison of the development of wetland restoration techniques in China and other nations. Wetlands 40:2755–2764.

4. Qing Qi, Dongjie Zhang, Shouzheng Tong, Mingye Zhang, Xuehong Wang*, An Yu , Xianguo Lv. 2020. The driving mechanisms for community expansion in a restored Carex tussock wetland. Ecological indicators, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107040.

5. Xiao Li, Xuehong Wang, Junbao Yu, Jisong Yang, Yang Yu, Di Zhou, Yunzhao Li. 2020. Effect of water level and salinity on metal fractionation in sediments of the Yellow River Delta. Wetlands (2020) 40:2765–2774.

6. Xuehong Wang, Yunzhao Li*, Guan Bo, Junbao Yu, Zhongsheng Zhang, Haitao Wu, Ke Zhang. 2020. Beneficial effects of crab burrowing on the surface soil properties of newly formed mudflats in the Yellow River Delta. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 20(4): 548-555.

7. Ling Meng, Fanzhu Qu⁎, Xiaoli Bi, Jiangbao Xi, Yunzhao Li, Xuehong Wang, Junbao Yu⁎. Elemental stoichiometry (C, N, P) of soil in the Yellow River Delta nature reserve: Understanding N and P status of soil in the coastal estuary. Science of the Total Environment 751 (2021) 141737. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141737.

8. Zhonghua Ren, Jinhu Liu, Shuozeng Dou, Dayan Zhou, Wenting Cui, Zhenbo Lv*, Liang Cao*. 2020. Tissue-specific accumulation and antioxidant defenses in flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) juveniles experimentally exposed to methylmercury. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 79(4): 406-420.

9. 陈晓梅, 于君宝, 于淼, 杨继松, 周迪, 栗云召, 战超, 宁帅, 杨国华. 2020. 洪河和七星河国家级自然保护区漂筏薹草沼泽土壤金属含量研究.湿地科学.17(05):607-610.

10. 任玲玲, 栗云召*, 于淼, 杨继松, 战超, 周迪. 2020. 1984-2015年黄河三角洲人工湿地的演变及主要驱动因子. 农业资源与环境学报. 37(4): 493-502.

11. 于淼, 栗云召, 屈凡柱*, 周迪, 战超, 王雪宏. 2020. 黄河三角洲滨海湿地退化过程的时空变化及预测分析. 农业资源与环境学报. 37(4): 484-492.

12. 刘露雨, 屈凡柱, 栗云召*, 于君宝, 杨继松, 安成邦. 2020. 黄河三角洲滨海湿地潮沟分布与植被覆盖度的关系. 生态学杂志. 39(06):1830-1837.

13. 刘玥, 杨继松*, 于洋, 李晓, 赵心怡, 于君宝, 吕振波. 2020. 辽河口不同类型湿地土壤碳氮磷生态化学计量学特征. 生态学杂志, 39(9): 3011-3020.

14. 李梅, 张琳, 路峰, 吴梦迪, 于君宝, 张晓龙, 管博. 氮添加对盐胁迫条件下芦苇和盐地碱蓬种子萌发竞争的影响. 生态科学, 2020, 39(4): 113118.

15. 田晓燕, 陆冠茹, 高楠, 杨锦媚, 于君宝, 韩广轩, 管博. 重度盐渍化湿地土壤酶活性对生物炭添加及浅翻处理的响应. 土壤通报, 2020, 51(5): 1189-1195.

16. 吕其明, 张晶晶, 高彦洁, 吕振波, 王田田, 于君宝, 王庆孝. 套尔河贝类增养殖区放流活动前后浮游植物群落结构变化. 海洋渔业, 2020, 42(1): 20-34.


1. 一种湿地土壤剖面EhpHEC原位测定装置与方法(ZL 201810288784.0),于君宝,于淼,栗云召,张振华,周迪,战超,王庆。 申请日期:201843日,授权日期:20200317


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